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Adam Lawrence

Adam Lawrence

Customer Experience Expert and co-initiator of the world’s largest service design event ‘Global Service Jam’.

Founder of WorkPlayExperience.

Markus Hormeß

Markus Hormeß

Service Innovation Expert and co-initiator of the world’s largest service design event ‘Global Service Jam’.

Founder of WorkPlayExperience.

Marc Stickdorn

Marc Stickdorn

Co-author of the award-winning service design book ‘This is Service Design Thinking’.

Co-founder and CEO of More than Metrics.


Adam, Marc, and Markus are experts in the field of service design and have been active for over 10 years. They advise medium and large companies in their daily work, give workshops and speak at conferences. The team has been running This is Service Design Doing for 5 years.

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